Family Medicine

What is Family Medicine?

Family practice doctors provide comprehensive health care to people of all ages. Family doctors often treat chronic conditions, evaluate symptoms, offer preventative care, and let people know when they need to see a specialist

Family Physicians :
Please note that Dr. Babins is currently not accepting any new patients into his family practice.

If you are a patient in Dr. Babins’ family practice, you are a member of a medical home and can expect comprehensive primary care, that includes Periodic Health Examination, preventative screening, and all general health issues.

When booking an appointment state that you are a family medicine patient. Give the reception staff adequate information, so they may book an appropriate amount of time for your appointment. Periodic Health Examination (yearly physicals) are being booked several months in advance. If you believe that you have an urgent concern please let the reception staff know. They will review your concern with your doctor and an appointment will be provided in an appropriate period of time.

Non-Urgent After Hours Care:
If you require help within 24 hours for a non-emergency medical concern, you may be referred for an appointment at the CWC PCN’s Primary Care Centre (open 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on weekends and holidays) if your doctor cannot see you in time. This allows you to be seen quickly without having to visit an ER or walk-in clinic, and the Primary Care Centre sends information from your visit back to your doctor — unlike a walk-in clinic or ER. 

To learn more about the PCNs programs and services, visit their website.  

Additional family medicine services we provide include minor surgical procedures such as:
  • Vasectomy
  • Circumcision
  • Removal of various moles, lumps and bumps

For urgent care, please dial 9-1-1 or visit your nearest emergency department

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